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中曰式定食快餐, we are now looking for a part time staff number for lunch service, average four hours per day, we have a friendly team of four, two in the kitchen, two in front of house, looking for a young and friendly female new number to join this wonderful team at the front house, if you think you are a bright and out going person, feel free to contact us.
南寶用心‧深得您心 南寶大飯店擁有高水準豪華觀光商務客房,並設置無線寬頻網路系統, 全館採用符合國家標準之防火建材,並通過政府消防法規安全檢查, 合法證照,使您住宿品質更加安全舒適。 備有免費專屬停車場,及特約接送服務, 並供應中西自助式活力早餐,提供您完善周全的全方位餐宿服務。 二樓餐廳供應中西自助式早餐,名師主廚,美味可口,菜色眾多,營養豐富, 沙拉吧, 果汁飲料,咖啡,西點,土司,中式熱食,精緻配菜,白飯,稀飯,饅頭等, 滿足您一天活力的泉源。 本飯店餐廳寬敞,可容納百餘人用餐,精緻裝潢,格調高雅。 餐廳可供雞尾酒會, 團體餐敘,會議場地等多功能使用,歡迎預約洽訂。 Nan Pao Hotel has more rooms of luxurious international torsism standard , accommodated with an internet system , and the whole building uses fire-resistant materials conforming to the national standard and passed safety examination according to new fireregulation of our government. You can rest assured to stay in our hotel with safety and comfort , use a large parking lot , parking service , and VIP station shuttle service , conference chambers , a fitness center , a European style restaurant on 2F offering breakfast , enjoying high quality of every service of our hotel. 【小檔案】 .民國98年1月正式對外營業 .網際網路服務: .館內提供免費無線寬頻上網服務,商務中心提供電腦使用/使用者需自備手提電腦 .客房內提供免費無線寬頻上網服務,使用者需自備手提電腦 .提供《預約制》免費專車服務:來回,地點:台南火車站 .備有免費室外停車場,約可容納小客車20部 【南寶大飯店 旅遊資訊】 .南寶大飯店位於台南市北區,附近景點有:大觀音亭 , 台南公園 , 花園夜市 , 所有台南市的景點請點我! 【台南市飯店線上訂房-南寶大飯店】TEL:06-2085500 南寶大飯店 住址:70449台南市北區前鋒路318號
鑒於產品國際化及多樣性,專營國內外新商品:ICE FIRE extinguisher、冰火滅火彈、AFO、EFO 滅火球、濃煙逃生袋、Smoke Escaping Hood、Pro-Mask、普樂面罩、滅火毯、Fireproof Blanket 等消防用品、LED 系列商品、LED 路燈、浴缸、淋浴拉門、衛浴櫃、儲櫃等建材,酵素、NEW CLEAN、Tomofine 蔬果洗滌鈣離子粉、天然蔬果清潔除菌劑、等生活新科技用品,有效提高生命安全、環保新觀念。 節能使用愛好者有:台灣中央銀行、台北市政府、新北市政府、新竹縣市政府、國稅局、消防隊、派出所、保安巡守隊、金融證券綜合大樓、景美農會、高雄市捷運公司、宜蘭晶英酒店、國立台灣師範大學、九份黃金博物館...等政府機關學校都在持續使用中、深獲好評。 鑑於消防安全意識提升,配合公共場所、居家消防安全、守望相助,特別推出全新安全消防產品一冰火瞬間滅火彈。簡單的操作與優異的滅火性能可在火場中瞬間幫助你開闢一條逃生路線、保護家人生命,拯救財產最佳利器。 火災發生時,生死就在一瞬間,分秒必爭。尤其是婦女、兒童和老年人。如何在最短時間60秒內馬上反應,即時滅火和避難逃生,才是最重要的活命關鍵。 相信博久,掌握瞬間,即時滅火,確保安全 >>防患未然是關鍵<<
博優創藝著力在特殊材料的美化應用,讓家居生活更有創意,更有活力。 我們致力於滿足全球顧客對生活彩印的需求,提供對生活空間色彩的解決方案。透過先進的數位科技技術與運用,創造領導市場的品牌。 我們將以專業、熱情與追求卓越的精神,為新世代帶來提昇生活品質的嶄新產品,以及創造生活情趣的附加價值。 Colorful products in beautiful life, as you like in your life style. Always working SMART with our heart. Doubleyou is a new company, small but has the potential. Come with us to go to success.
VISION To Be known as a World-Class One-Stop-Shop Service Provider That Thriver to be Always Better in All Aspects of Servicing the Growing Needs of Overseas Foreign Contract Workers and Migrants of all Nationalities all over the World
原點科技(Blue Tang Studio) is a newly founded start-up focusing on location based service. We are building a search platform for mobile applications and web-applications. The platform is our strategic product and will enable the internal and external customers to build new location based service within few weeks. The are looking for talented and self-motivated people to join our team. 原點科技為一新創公司,公司的主力方向是在Location Based Service,目前正在開發搜尋平台中。 軟體產品(Product)與軟體專案(Project)的不同在於,假設一個Project需要五個人,再開一個專案需要再五個人;而產品,一個客戶跟一千個客戶,開發成本是相同的,獲利高但是全球競爭,只有前兩名能夠生存。 敝公司的目標正在於,建立一個雲端資料庫,提供SDK及Cloud Solution給各國的軟體公司,希望有志於軟體產品開發的人材加入。
友荃科技為一環保能源設備研發製造公司,主力綠能產品為水變火氫氧焰能源設備、氫油車動力設備、汽車引擎除碳機,太陽能熱水器及太陽能光電系列產品。2001年正式成立,其主要發展目的,為因應溫室氣體造成地球溫室效應導致全球許多地區氣候明顯異常,加上能源短缺造成高價能源時代的來臨。因此,希望為人類開發創造出清淨無污染之新環保替代能源。公司重要之發展精神係【為世界帶來更潔淨之生活空間,並讓能源能夠永續的被利用】。公司品牌『EPOCH-愛貝克』取得數十國產品認證,系列產品已在全球上市,並成功銷往歐美、亞洲市場,如歐洲、冰島、美國、澳洲、紐西蘭、日本、香港、馬來西亞、泰國、新加坡及中國等十餘國家,公司於2007年3月正式興櫃掛牌(3472),目前分公司-東莞友荃也於2008年7月份在中國廣東省正式營運。2010年6月氫油車動力設備榮獲全球最大環保組織及聯合國組織共同頒發全球能源世界獎Energy Globe World Award- Category Air 空氣組首獎。
專業開發生產、設計兒童遊戲設備。各式兒童遊具如:戶外大型組合遊具、滑梯、攀爬、體能器材、成人運動器材、彈性地墊、衝擊吸收舖面等。台灣首家通過TAF認證之檢驗公司檢驗合格通過,產品符合CNS12642、12643國家標準。 Tai-Shin Entertainment Enterprise was founded in 1978, specializing in design, manufacture and sales of kids play system. With 30 years experience of manufacturing playground equipment, we provide high quality playground equipment to domestic and international clients. We are continually observing kids and their changing environment to aid in the development of new products. You are welcome to provide us your valuable suggestions or comments. If any further information is required, please feel free to contact us. Most importantly - Listening to your needs, and caring about kids. Our website: http://www.tayhsing.com.tw
Pacific International Line (PIL) Incorporated in 1967 has developed from a coastal Ship-owner/operator in Singpoare to become one of the largest shipowners in Asia. Today, it is ranked 19th amongst the top containership operators in the world. PIL has diversified into logistics related activities such as supply chain management,Consolidation/distribution facilities, warehousing, container depot operations,Trucking as well as having interest in ship-agencies worldwide,container manufacturing,Marine engineering and real estate. As of June 2007, PIL owns and operates a fleet of 101 vessels with a total TEUCapacity of 87,314 TEUs will be delivered by Mar 2011. PIL also owns and operatesA fleet of more than 309,006 TEUs of marine containers.
成立時間: 西元1997年 經營理念: As a subsidiary of VSL international of Switzerland and a member of BOUYGUES S.A. of France, VSL is part of a major international construction group with a combined workforce of over 80,000. With offices throughout the world,35 subsidiaries located on 5 continents, VSL offers a comprehensive range of professional services for any post-tensioning project. As a technical leader in the post-tensioning industry, VSL works continuously, though its quality assurance program, to refine, improve, and expand the scope of its systems and services. Subscribing to the philosophy that what is good today may always be made better for tomorrow, VSL has always attracted the most talented and motivated people, all with one goal: to be your most valued construction partner. 威勝利集團(VSL International) 於1997年在台灣成立了台灣威勝利股份有限公司。 我們秉持著一貫的企業使命、對工程品質的堅持、以及對客戶服務的熱忱,先後參與了台灣許多重要的交通工程建設,其中包括:西濱快速道路、台灣第二高速公路、東西向快速道路、台灣高速鐵路、北高兩市捷運興建工程以及其他縣市橋樑興建工程等。此外我們也參與了許多政府與民間重大投資計劃的興建工程,包括了旅館、飯店、商場、辦公大樓、科技園區廠房、工業區原料儲存槽等。
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